Green Building Materials for the Construction Industry

Update:May 26,2023
Summary:Green travel, green home, green. . . People who pursue a healthy life trend are gradually paying attention to the environment we live in. Gypsum build......
Green travel, green home, green. . . People who pursue a healthy life trend are gradually paying attention to the environment we live in. Gypsum building materials, as an environmentally friendly building material, have attracted more and more people's attention. Gypsum building materials, no matter how big or small, are full of our around. Gypsum is helping people build more and better green buildings in its own right.
       As early as 9000 BC, humans had been able to process gypsum into gypsum slurry and alabaster for construction and decoration. Gypsum slurry has been found in underground murals at the Katayuyuk site in Asia. Gypsum slurry has also been found in the self-leveling layer of a gypsum base in Israel formed in 7000 BC. According to archaeological findings, during the reign of Pharaoh in Egypt, gypsum was used as mud to build the pyramid of Cheaps (3000 BC). By the Middle Ages and the Renaissance, many decorative objects and works of art were made using gypsum slurry. In my country, as early as 2,000 years ago, gypsum was used in the construction of Mawangdui Han Tomb in Changsha. It can be seen that the application of gypsum in architectural decoration has existed since ancient times, and with the advancement of technology, the application range of gypsum in the field of construction is constantly expanding.
       Why are gypsum building materials (such as manholes, etc.) loved by so many people? First, it has obvious advantages. Gypsum itself has good performance and is very suitable for application in various building systems. Gypsum has good fire resistance, effectively ensuring the safety of the building. Gypsum is an inorganic material and is non-combustible. The final hydration product, calcium sulfate dihydrate, contains two crystal waters, and its decomposition temperature is between 1070°C and 1700°C. Therefore, when encountering a fire, the temperature can continue to rise on the basis of about 1000 degrees Celsius only after the two crystal waters are completely decomposed; The spread acts as a barrier.
       Second, gypsum is a kind of porous material, which is beneficial to automatically adjust the indoor humidity. According to reports, the water-to-plaster ratio of gypsum manhole gypsum building materials made of natural gypsum is generally between 0.6 and 0.8. After hydration and hardening, a large amount of free water will be evaporated, leaving a large number of pores in the product to form a porous material with a bulk density of less than 1.0.
       The porosity advantage of gypsum building materials is also reflected in: when the indoor humidity is high, these pores can absorb moisture; on the contrary, when the indoor humidity is low, the moisture in the pores can be released, and the indoor humidity can be automatically adjusted to make people feel comfortable.
       Third, the production process is simple and flexible, which can fully meet people's requirements for various indoor functions. Gypsum building materials are suitable for indoor roofs, walls, and floors. By choosing different varieties and different structural combinations, they can respectively meet the functional requirements for indoor heat preservation, sound insulation, fire prevention, waterproof, and flexible partitions. At the same time, they are also a good indoor decoration. Material.
       Because of the various characteristics of gypsum building materials, people give a very high evaluation to gypsum building materials.